Sorry, right more coffee...
It's a 2007, made by Thor. Or at least it has a Thor name plate on it. Ford E450 chassis. 28A frame.
On the way back from picking it up, we had a rear tire blow out, inside left. I stood in the bedroom on the right side it appeared to be worse. Then the wobble went away for 100 miles and then came back right before the tire blew. This was a different feeling than what we have now. Was more like a washing machine out of balance as one person suggested, now we have a higher frequency vibration. While traveling back we could not get above 65 mph, it was vibrating too bad. Wanted to get home to work it out. Now we can get up to 70 with no issues, other than the constant microwave shake. It also happens at lower speeds like 40. So I would say it is no longer speed related, but rpm related.
I pulled the microwave on this first trip because from the drivers seat I could see it moving in and out, so the metal plate that secures it was oil canning maybe a quarter to half and inch! On this last trip I could still see the movement. We pulled the microwave again to get some quiet. I did not let the wife drive and get in the rear.
We already had all four rear tires replaced and spin balanced. Not sure if they are true, but all new tires. The fronts were replaced by the dealer. I have no vibrations in the steering wheel.
I was hoping someone would chime in and say, oh yeah, I had that and this fixed it. Sorry I'm a bit lazy and was hoping not to have to do a lot of troubleshooting. One can still dream.
I pulled the hood, and secured the back of the microwave with a turnbuckle to the outside wall. Hopefully I wont pull a section of the wall off!! Turnbuckle is secured to a wood strip holding the cabinets up to the metal of the back of the microwave. This may allow us to keep the microwave in the hole while doing the troubleshooting.
Thanks for the input. All good.