Forum Discussion

hram's avatar
Aug 15, 2015

Basement compartment bin locks

Hello all,
The "cam" locks on my '89 Holiday Rambler Imperial are almost toast and getting very difficult to lock/unlock. There's absolutely no identifying model or company marks on these and I've done an online search and all replacements I see aren't long enough shafts. Anybody have a similar issue and what have you done? Thanks for your input! Greg
  • Many of the big box hardware stores have them in stock in various lengths. Hard part is getting enough with the same key without having them re-keyed.
  • Take one out and measure the length of the housing. Any competent locksmith shop should be able to order them. 1-7/8' is as long as they come. About $10 each. Some Lowes crry them. You also might try brake cleaner and some Triflow teflon lube or Houdini which is hard to find. Don t use WD40.