pianotuna wrote:
Hi harold,
As usual you answered the question you wished had been asked. I'll repeat it for you.
How do you(desulphate) an AGM format jar without causing gassing of the (limited) electrolyte.
(you could answer I don't know, if you do not know.)
I don't know and don't care. But I know how and where to find the answers if needed.
My battery manufacturer says not to. What reason would I have to do so when I have the knowledge of how to prevent it? :S
Evidently you have vast experience with sulfated batteries.
I can give you some links with information on care amd maintenance of batteries, maybe that will help prevent your sulfating issues.
Sulfation is the most and easiest thing there is to prevent.
If you go to look up
sulfation or desulfate you will have your best luck if you spell it correctly, and there is a vast amount of information available.
I have always found it much more conducive to battery health to avoid causing problems that were totally preventable.
If you are having to desulfate, you are causing the problem, and in doing so are reducing the life of the batteries, no matter what type.
Sulfation can happen in most types of batteries, but its cause can be avoided with proper maintenance.
AGM or wet-cell is a personal preference just as 6 volt or 12 volt. In some applications one is more desirable, or preferred by the user.
It all depends on what one wants or desires, and whether it fits the budget. Sulfation is not a factor if the user is of sufficient intelligence, (ie. smarter than a battery) and does proper maintenance.:) This is not ment in any derogatory way to anyone, just a statement of fact. Take care of your batteries and they will last a normal life expectancy.