Always goto the battery terminals to test them. There are several things between the battery terminals and the 12VDC Distribution Panel that could be malfunctioning for several reason. Your 12VDc battery measured at the battery terminals should read 12.6-7VDC if fully charged. If the 12VDC battery terminal DC VOLTAGE is below 10.5VDC then the battery is considered 0% charged.
Another test when making this measurement at the battery terminals is to conect up the shore power power and you should then see the battery DC Voltage jump up to 13.6VDC or higher depending what the converter/charger is doing. If the battery terminals jump up to 13.6VDC this tells you the converter/charger is working and the connections between the converter/12VDC Distribution Panel is working normally.
Another more simple test is turn on the trailer ceiling lights without being connected to the shore power. The ceiling lights should come on if the connections to the battery are good and the battery is charged.
Just a couple of simple things you can check out to determine if your batteries are truly dead or some disconnect is keeping you from seeing the batteries working.
Having a multimeter in your RV TOOL BOX is a very good thing to have. They are inexpensive and only cost from $7 to $20. These are available from LOWES-WALMART - AMAZON and any number of auto parts stores...
Roy Ken