Nylon straps also have the advantage that they won't produce fireworks should they come into contact with the positive (or both) battery terminal accidentally. Depending on the orientation of the hold down, that can be a very real possibility; I got rid of the factory battery hold down bar on my riding lawn mower the last time I replaced its battery for that very reason as the arrangement of the top of the new battery was slightly different.
Consider these battery brackets. You add locks to them and they don't disappear. They work and look great! Here is the link http://www.b-drvbatterylock.com
Stay away from metal straps, unless you can find stainless as noted above. Nylon straps are good replacement. Anything with bare metal doesn't last long in battery bays.
Nylon straps with quick release are pretty popular straps in RV. I have a habit that whenever I am replacing rotten hardware on RV, I take my time to find stainless steel replacement. That solves all future aging problems permanently Just today found SS chain at Home Depot with 540lb working strength for $1.60.ft With some thinking I would find a way to use it for battery strapping.
Stop at any auto parts store (where there is room) or at any RV service shop and ask them to look at the straps. Chances are good that they will be able to provide something that will work.....but maybe not an exact duplicate of the original.