Forum Discussion

bigcitypopo's avatar
Mar 31, 2014

Battery upgrade.. how in a 4winds with....

an outside battery tray, that will hold one group27...

move the batteries inside and use AGM?

it a 4winds Majestic 23... it is my mom's she got it from reserve america.. its been a great coach. the single skyline battery in it is on its way out. it only holds 12.0v after a full charge.

any recs would be great, or any upgrade ideas?

i'm just now learning the quirks of her class C,
  • If you mount a battery on the frame under the coach, it would make it very difficult to check water levels on a flooded cell battery. This would be a good reason to consider AGM batteries. You can not mix flooded cell and AGM batteries, so this would mean that you would need to buy two AGM batteries.
  • Pianotuna.... I was thinking the sme... But her coach already has limited storage....

    Path1... That thing is neat... I'm gonna crawl under that rig and look again
  • Majestic 23
    I have 23P model. I can only get 1 group 27 the way mine is also. I have not done this yet but have planned for upgrade (as far as projects go). I'm going mount the other battery with this. Have heard of no complaints.

    One reason for holding off is price, which is crazy. It's not the $152.00 it's what I get for the money. I've had my eye out for metal box size of battery and then make a hook to fit on frame.
  • Hi,

    I chose to have one of the out door storage compartments modified to carry the weight of four batteries. Much cheaper than buying AGM chemistry.