The rate of self discharge goes down by approximately 50% for ever 10 degrees C temperature drop.
6% discharge at 25 C (charge voltage 13.5)
3% at 15 C (charge voltage 13.62)
1.5% at 5 c (charge voltage 13.74)
0.75% at -5 c (about 23 F) (charge voltage 13.86)
0.375 st -15 c (charge voltage 13.99)
A trickle charger at -5 may well be actually discharging the battery. I've not seen one that does temperature compensated voltage.
So, for storage, colder is better until you reach -60 c. It is probably better to disconnect the battery.
tplife wrote:
Disconnected, that battery maintains its voltage by eating its plates from the inside out. You're welcome to believe otherwise, but I would encourage you to learn more about how batteries work and maintain voltage between charges. A float charger maintains proper voltage and allows batteries to last a lot longer, particularly when not being recharged by an alternator with regular use.