I have not been stopped in ages (knock on wood and no tickets, another knock). LEO's are out there to do a job, keep us safe. Plus I'm sure down the road somewhere in their chain (whether they admit it) they were probably at some time chastised about not pulling over enough vehicles, etc. Give em a break. You were the luck of the draw. What's it going to hurt? Don't go 36 on them lol. Myself, I cant wait to be pulled over. I'll be opening my door telling them to come on inside while I find my papers which are in the very back of my Class A since I have no storage up front for the papers. And no I wont be placing my papers up front, that's for my coffee, drinks,cigs plus junk food lol. I'm solo so I'll enjoy their conversation, help, and suggestions. But I wont pull off to the side of the road (its too dangerous), I'll be looking for an exit with my blinkers on.