gemert wrote:
As an LEO that has stopped RVs before, this is how I conduct the stop and myself. I will usually approach on the passenger side and stand where I can see the rear of the coach and the passenger door and stay back and wait for the driver to come out to me. This is the way I do all buses and large vehicles including Semi's. I would not expect to be invited in and it would not make me suspicious in and of itself. If you invited me in, it would not mean you forfeited your rights. What it would mean is if you were dumb enough to leave something illegal in plain sight and you invited me in, you deserve to be arrested. I'm not all LEOs. Some may push the envelope a little. If they ask to come in, say, very politely that it is your home, your pets would be upset and no. Just stick to your guns, (not real guns) they do not have the right to search a vehicle of any kind unless they have probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed and either the perpetrator or evidence, that may be destroyed, is inside. Go outside and meet them with all your paperwork and you will be fine.
Thanks for the inside info Chief. Good to know.