PastorCharlie wrote:
msmith1199 wrote:
et2, it's going to depend on where you're stopped. If it's on a freeway by Highway patrol they generally like to come up on the right side to stay out of traffic. If traffic isn't an issue they will likely come up on the left side and give you instructions through the window. My recommendation is open your window so you can hear directions and then stay in the drivers seat and wait for the officer to do whatever he is going to do or give you directions and then do that.
Like already mentioned, inviting them in does not give permission to search. It does give them permission to look and if you have something illegal in plain site, then they can seize it and arrest you and then search.
As for the people claiming no way law enforcement is searching without a warrant, as I already explained above that is not the law. If they have probable cause to search then they can search. If you try to physically resist that search because you read on the Internet that they have to have a warrant so you know your rights, then you will escalate that situation into extra criminal charges for yourself and all kinds of trouble. Bottom line, don't get legal advice from the Internet.
"Bottom line, don't get legal advice from the Internet."
Good advise. So we are to ignore all the advise given here on the internet by those claiming to be LEOs.
Gotcha. :B
Yes you should ignore it. Or confirm it yourself before relying on it. I'm telling you I am a retired cop and also a professor of criminal justice for three colleges. But you have no idea who I am or if I'm lying to you or not. I gather information from the Internet, but I'm not completely trusting anything I read on a forum unless I verify it myself. So most certainly don't take my word for it.