Naio wrote:
Do I need to share that I was engaged to a cop who was shot in the line of duty?
I know it's an incredibly dangerous job, and I have great respect for those who have the courage to do it.
And I know it is a very scary job.
But, honestly, when I was a kid we played with toy guns all the time. And nobody ever shot us.
I was never engaged to a cop, but I was a cop and I have been shot in the line of duty. When I was a kid we also played with toy guns. And our guns looked exactly like toys and we usually looked exactly like kids playing with toys. I think my toy gun days ended when I was 10 or 11. One thing we did not have was toys that looked like real guns. And we did not go to parks at night with real looking toy guns and run around pointing those real looking toy guns at people in an effort to scare them because they looked like real guns. All of that is what this 12 year old in the park did. And although he may have been 12, he was a big kid and the officers thought is was 20 years old with a real gun.