mtofell1 wrote:
I never realized there were so many LEOs hanging out around here.
There's a similar thread running on another website. Many in that thread seem to think that LEO's don't RV. I would venture to guess that LEO's and fire fighters make up one of the largest groups of RVers after retired folks.
You would be surprised how often law enforcement goes out of their way to help RVers because so many of them are RVers and know the frustration of breaking down.'s very rare that an RV gets stopped and if it happens to you, cut them some slack. They're no different than you.
I worked the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department for 34 years, which included the jails, patrol, Internal Affairs and the last 15 years in Arson/Explosives, with an arson dog. When I first started, I was told by someone I admired, that you should..... treat people the same way you want your own family to be treated. I followed this code and it served me well.
Personally, I think that many in this country, including me, are fed up with just about every level of government. Without realizing it, many are lashing out at the only level of government they have contact enforcement....consequently, cop bashing is in vogue.