Since you are going FT in two months you need to rethink "NO TOAD".:S Yes, not having a toad when FT is a dumb idea and most places will not let you drive the ATV on the road or in most CGs.
We put as many miles on our toad as the MH which increases our overall MPG from 7 to 15. The MH becomes our base camp and the toad is used for sightseeing and getting supplies. Do you really want to pack things up and unhook your utilities to go to a movie or to town? Buy a small PU that can be towed four down and put the ATV in the back of it.
Put a 2x4 across the front of the PU's bed so the rack on the Honda does not hit the back glass before the front wheels stop against something. It's already saved me once when the ramp kicked out and I had to punch it to get in the bed of the PU.
If the above is not enough info, then that much weight that far back is going to overload you rear single axle 40' MH. Click on "How I tow" below for why I say this.