Forum Discussion

golfknut's avatar
Aug 09, 2014

Big Foot Leveler Issue

We have 9-year-old factory-installed Bigfoot levelers. The fluid level in them has never been checked nor have the housings ever been removed.

Today I thought I would perform this long overdue task.

As I removed the screw on the shroud of the housing of the very first leveler I checked, fluid started dripping out of the screw hole. Hmmmm...that was strange but I thought maybe there was a little fluid sitting on the bottom of the housing and it would stop right away. Nope, all the fluid from the reservoir, or I assume all, drained through that screw hole.

Now I am no mechanic but I assume that screw hole is not a drain hole for the reservoir.

Is it likely or possible that when the levelers were installed they put the shroud screw through the side-wall of the reservoir when they installed the shroud?.....and that little screw has held the fluid in the reservoir all these years?
Is the reservoir made of plastic?

I didn't do any further looking around. It's tight under there and I was a greasy mess.
  • Well, problem(s) solved.

    Not only was the shroud screw put through the reservoir on the one jack I started to inspect but my mouth dropped to the floor today when the technician came to us in the waiting room and said that all four jacks had the same issue. The person who initially installed them put the screws in a bad location. There were a few other abnormalities in the installation.
    They couldn't figure out how the system operated for 9 years in this condition.

    Obviously not a good installation job. I don't know where they were installed. Before today I thought they had been installed at the home-office factory. I know they were installed when the rig was new....before we owned it.

    Anyway, the factory fixed us up. Said it was as good as new.
    They are great people. Nice to have them close to home.
  • j-d's avatar
    Explorer II
    Home Skillet is the DIY who took the time to check and didn't just whip through the install... I'm glad you're close to factory help. Certainly worth going there.
  • Well, the factory installed them so I would call that a "professional" installer and not a DIY'er.

    We live 40 minutes from their factory so I guess I'll be calling them in the morning.

    Glad I didn't decide to check these at a campsite somewhere......
  • j-d's avatar
    Explorer II
    Oh, Lordy! Trapped by the Waddington Effect
    Or, crudely stated "If it Ain't Broke..."
    What happened to your reservoir is awful. Difference between a "pro" installer who was sure what to do and DIY who wanted to MAKE SURE.
  • The installer shot the screw into the reservoir.
    I left my covers off for that reason, when I installed mine.
  • I would go to there web site. Check the model unit you have.
    Did you not get instruction book with Levelers ?
    I had them on my old Corinado class A.