It isn't the sensors, it's crudded up tank walls that fool the sensors. This is true for both types of sensors - those that protrude through the tank walls into the tank and those that are non-contact and are eternal on the outside of the tank wall.
Winnebago went standard with the non-contact sensor system in 2005 and although that system works better than the old style, crudded up tank walls will still fool the sensors.
As a full timer I never found anything that worked and I tried all the stuff people swear works and nothing did.
I even made an adapter for my SILs pressure washer that sprayed sideways so I could clean the tank walls through the toilet opening. That worked for a while but with 24/7 use the walls crudded up again and the sensors started giving false readings again.
I ended up just marking the calendar when I dumped and dumping the tank again in 10 days.