Ahhh, yes, you have come across 'Poo mountain'. :)
Happens when too much 'solid' is pushed into black tank and not enough liquid, resulting in said 'solids' piling up and blocking things up in the tank. Typically, the blockage takes the form of a mountain of poo right where it dumps into the black tank from the toilet. Hence the name, 'Poo mountain'.
Just had a visit to Poo mountain last month myself when we were camping at the beach. Was first time in 22 years of RVing that I had such happen. Ended up having to find a pole/stick (old squeegee handle no longer needed) to 'sacrifice' and use to poke down in the toilet, to stir up and break down Poo mountain to get things flowing again. Stir/push some, pour a bunch of water through, then stir some more, more water....Did that a couple times, and eventually poo mountain 'collapsed', and dumped on out.
To prevent that in the future, encourage those that use your facility that when dumping 'solids', Please make sure you run plenty of water through as well. I had to re-educate my gang on such after that incident, haha. :)