Forum Discussion

58roadhog's avatar
Jun 26, 2013

Brake for toad

My Brake Buddy has died and I am looking for a good replacement. Any advice on a good system would be appreciated. I have a 2009 Allegro Bus and am towing a 2011 Chevy Silverado.
  • X5 on ReadyBrake. We pulled to Alaska and back last summer with one and once I got the tension cable adjusted it worked great on some very rough and steep roads! Cheap price, easy set-up, easy hook-up, and lasts a long time. What's not to like!
  • X4 on Ready Brake. They're just too good not to at least consider.
  • Unified Tow Brake from US Gear. we have that on both our toads and love it!
  • x3 on the Ready Brake. No electronics to go bad along with possible ruined toad brakes.
  • We traded the old BB in on a Patriot from Blue OX, like being able to change cars.
  • What is wrong with another BB?
    You might get a good deal on a trade in replacement.
    I did when I sent my old BB back. Several years ago.