DutchmenSport wrote:
If you have a dog inside, you've already got the best protection you can ever have. Even if the dog is a fluffy, lovable, big-old-galoot, thieves will ignore places with dogs.
Of course there is an issue with a dog when the RV is in storage but read on...
Parish Priest used to have a STATUE of a dog in the rectory entrance hall.. I can tell you this dog (Very menacing pose) gave one pause when first entering the building.
He had that for several years. till it was stolen. :).
My concept of a perfect Burglar Alarm starts with such a statue, But motion detectors replace the "Eyes" and a digitally recorded snarl or growl.
Danger here is when the burglar slipps on his own .... waste product.. and falls and hurts himself he may sue for harboring a vicious animal.
So you get to court and explain to the Judge (Who has already been briefed) that it is really the dog on trial and does he not have the right to face his accuser.. The judge, knowing what is up tells the bailiff to bring in the dog.. And you then say "your honor I have concrete proof my dog did not attack him.. See.. Concrete.