Forum Discussion

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Jun 13, 2013


Just bought 2014 Winn. sightseer, LeMesa wants 7k for a 7yr. warranty, seems to cover a lot., but is this really necessary for NEW Bago? We are 1 yr in as RV'ers. Seems I could take that 7k and keep it for future issues.
Any other warranty services out there that are good, reliable and reasonable??
  • Although some have made out well with extended warranties, most have not. I bought one when I got my motorhome and never had to use it for anything. I think I paid almost $4k. I would not do it again.
  • ScottG wrote:
    Those warranties are a money maker for them. They rarely cover what actually goes wrong and it's extremely unlikely you would see the benefit over saving the money and paying for the odd item yourself. Also, you can dicker with them over the price. The dealership will make thousands off a sale like that so if you go ahead with it, tell them you give them more like $3 or $4k.
    I would just save the money if it were me.

    I agree. If you can't afford to pay for an occasional repair, you should not even buy the RV. The extended warranty is nothing more than an over-priced insurance policy.
  • its a new rv things have a one yr warrenty already on them. bank 3grand and start your own program. that way you have 100% coverage.
  • I'm not much for extended warranties although some on here have saved a bunch of $$$ on major repairs by having one.

    When I used to get them on cars, there always seemed to be too many ways for them NOT to pay.

    I would probably do as you suggest, put the 7K in the bank and leave it there and maybe add a little each year along with normal maintenance.
  • I would put that 7k in the bank and use it if you need it.

    I am on my 3rd used unit in 8 years, and these were 10 year old units when purchased and I have not spent anywhere near 7k on all 3 in REPAIRS. I clarify "repairs" because I have spent lots of cash on tires, some maintenance and upgrades.

    Just my opinion....
  • Don't be fooled, that 7 year is actually a 6 year if you typically get a factory 1 year anyway since they run concurrent. And, I'm sure others will chime in on their experiences. For me, I'd rather keep the money in my bank until a repair is needed. Good luck
  • Those warranties are a money maker for them. They rarely cover what actually goes wrong and it's extremely unlikely you would see the benefit over saving the money and paying for the odd item yourself. Also, you can dicker with them over the price. The dealership will make thousands off a sale like that so if you go ahead with it, tell them you give them more like $3 or $4k.
    I would just save the money if it were me.