way2roll wrote:
robmharper wrote:
Thank you all for your responses. A lot to think about. I made what I believe to be a respectable offer (8% under asking price which was 5% over book), and the dealer told me I would need to be flexible if I wanted this coach. I was caught off guard a bit with that response. I guess it's a little early to expect the dealers to turn the tide of what was their advantage. My wife works for teachers (advocate). She was sent home with an expected return of June 1. Her notice said this is the earliest date and to expect that date to move further out. We're talking about 3 months of people being out of work. We can (and should) hope for the best, but this thing is already taking it's toll on the economy and if people are not allowed to go back to work, or companies cannot afford to reopen, this is not just a recession we're forecasting. I may pull my offer and wait.
opnspaces: yes, citations are being issued. I know somebody indirectly who has been detained and I am a retired police officer with many friends still on the job. It's all over the news in Northern California. San Francisco is the worst. It's not going to get better before it gets worse up here.
Dealers don't often play the game. In 2008 A dealer had a leftover unit on his lot. Would not budge on the price despite being in a bad economy and I had heard they were in bad shape. I passed on the deal. 3 months later they went under. Not sure what happened to the assets, maybe the bank seized them. Maybe they knew it was going to happen when I was trying to make a deal so they didn't care. The exact same scenario played out at another dealer 10 miles away. Anyway, dealers seem to hold on to units sometimes rather than get them off the lot for less money. I can only guess why, I imagine it has to do with the value of the assets and the bank when they are in the process of going under. I guess if you could track down where the bank auctions them you might find the deal then.
Wow, that's an interesting tidbit. I guess I should be prepared for that. I suppose the statements about just offering a price I'm comfortable with right now on the coach that meets my needs really should prevail. I have this personal faupaux where I buy something today and see it a month from now on sale and then have regret. My wife is trying to break me of it, lol. I just like trying to time things right. Fact is we were going to buy before this crisis so I really shouldn't shy away from a deal now, hoping to nail the timing perfect. We'd like to start enjoying it now and get the heck out of California while everybody is on lock-down. Thanks for your input!