schubi wrote:
we are Stefan and Anja from Germany. We are planning a long trip for a few years in the USA. Start is in Mai 2018 .
I hope my english is not too bad. :) We come with 2 Persons and 2 Dogs, Siberian Huskys.
We have a lot of questions about buying, towing and and....We hope that you will help us to realize the dream.
We are looking for an A Class RV with towing an Jeep Wrangler between 30 and 34 feet long. 2 Bicycle in the back of the Jeep or in a Little Garage in the RV like Thor Serrano
Price between 60.000 an 90.000 $
This Rvs i have found at RV Trader:
Thor Serrano 31 Z Diesel 2011
Fleetwood Bounder 34 M or 33 C 2013-2015
Winnebago Sightseer 30 A 2014
Itasca Sunova 30 A 2014
Allegro Breeze 2011 Diesel expensive....
Allegro open Road 31 SA 2013
Or other idea ??
We love it, when the Couch is over Corner. Can you tell me something good or bad about these RVs ?
Thanks for the help !!!!
Greeting Stefan
other than the THOR I would take one of the others.
I would not buy anything with a rubber (EPDM) roof.