DSDP Don said:
....I think you're buying a little early for retirement. A lot of things will change in five years when you retire. For one, your warranty on the engine and trans will be expiring just as you hit he road to full time. I would buy a used interim RV and then buy your retirement coach about a year out. Just too many things can change in five years from RV design and amenities to your personal health and family situations. We bought our first DP 5 years before we retired. It worked out okay, but as I look back, it would have been better to buy about a year before. Motor homes and our needs had changed. Just my opinion.
I agree with that 100%. We used trailers until the year we retired and bought a new Class A. A new motorhome is a lot of money sitting around, not being used along with the fact that sitting around is not good for them.
You will have problems, I don't care what you buy, and the warranty will be important.