Forum Discussion

BudFoster37's avatar
Jul 13, 2013

Cab Fan Problem

I have a 33' 1996 Georgie Boy Cruise Master with 12v fans over the driver and passenger sides that get powered when the ignition is on. Recently, the fans have been starting and stopping for no apparent reason. When they stop, if I push the coach battery boost switch, they start. Usually they stop immediately when I release the switch but sometimes they continue to run for a few minutes before stopping again. It seems like maybe a low voltage issue but I have no idea how to resolve it. Any ideas are welcome.
  • Thanks for the replies. I cleaned as many terminals as I could reach and so far the fans haven't stopped.

    This forum is a treasure for low aptitude guys like me.
  • :)
    Dick_B wrote:
    Wait 'til next year. Oops sorry! I thought the title stated `Cubs Fan problem'.

    Good one :D
  • Often there is a large stud under the hood that is a junction for devices on and near the dash. That stud will have several ring terminal/wires attached with a large cable going back to the battery. Check they are all free of corrosion, first disconnect the batteries, and clean them all. While you're at it, check all the heavy duty relays you can find. You can get packs of 5 Bosch type 40A, 14V relays for under $10 these days. Might be time to change out a few.

    As a test, you could just bonk one relay at a time with a small rubber mallet to see if the fans come on.

    To me, it sounds like you have either a bad/dirty terminal, or bad relay.
  • Wait 'til next year. Oops sorry! I thought the title stated `Cubs Fan problem'.