I do not know for a fact how the air dam works only that it does. What I think it does is direct air that normally just flows along the bottom of the engine up into front of the engine and behind the radiator. This air then has to go some where and that would be along the top and side of the engine flushing the heat out.
But then again I am not a air flow engineer not have I run it thru a wind tunnel to get all of the figures and flow charts.All I know is it works on my RVand that is all that matters to me.
I am not trying to sell it or make money off it just sharing what I found that cured a problem I had.
If you do not have the problem great for you.
The original poster is complaining of ambient engine heat sink issues after he parks.
I would love to know how redirecting AC flow inside the cab while driving is going to help with a heat sink problem on the outside of the cab after he parks?
That is a problem that he has and if you do not have it telling the original poster you do not have that problem is not helping him one bit. Bravo to the posters that talk about opening the hood and putting a fan on the engine they understand the OP's problem they have experienced it and they are sharing what they do to solve that problem.
Many issues only effect certain model years.
I am smart enough and courteous enough not to tell someone that is experiencing problems with there V10 why should you be having that problem since I have never experienced it with my 460.
Some folks on here would state they never had a problem in switching between front rear gas tanks even if they only had a single tank.
To sum it up I have had the experience that the OP is having and I shared something that worked for ME to solve the problem.
If you are not experiencing the problem then how are going to help the OP with his problem by telling him that you do not have his problem?