Dolph wrote:
I traded in my 40 foot Monaco Camelot recently. I was concerned about 40' restrictions so I measured the rig, the actual length is 39'6". Short enough to be legal, but long to to have white knuckles.
Length of a coach has both pluses and minuses. A long coach has more room for living, but does have a negative effect on manuverability and ease of traveling roads like 108 and many others. This type of road is one of the reasons that I have the coach I have. At 29' sharp turns are a nonissue and at 8' wide narrow roads aren't either.
I like to go to places that often have these kinds of access roads. It is not for many, many people but some of us like these roads and the places they lead to. And, yes, I have done a five point turn around on a 2 lane mountain road (at a place that I could be seen)!
To OP, good report.