The LINK that 'enblethen' provide does show the installation.
You have to supply an 110V AC outlet for rod to plug into.
The kit has it's own ON/OFF switch and a temperature control thermostat (T-stat) that you cut a hole in the tank insulation and mount the t-stat against tank wall.
The rod screws into the drain hole and the two plugs on end of rod get plugged into the t-stat and ON/OFF switch (Complete instruction in packaging)
Anode rod is a sacrificial rod that is used to protect tank from corrosion.
If you have an Atwood Brand water heater no anode rod is used/needed.
If you have a Suburban Brand water heater than it will have an anode rod that is part of drain plug. So if you remove the drain plug/anode rod to install the electric heating kit then you will need to get a kit that also has an anode rod as part of the heating element.
I don't know for sure but I think the Camco and Hott Rod Brands do not have anode rods....the Lightning Rod Kit does
Here is installation instructions for Hott Rod Kit........
LINKSame basic instructions regardless of brand.
These aftermarket heating rods are only 350 watts (OEM rods are 1500 watts) so the heating time will be much slower