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tylerdurdeno9's avatar
Oct 23, 2014

Can Not Figure Out Rear Window Leak!

Hey all, thanks for checking out my post. I can not for the life of me get this rear leak figured out. I have taken out the window, added new sealant and even taped off a few seams ands till some leaking. Below I have attached a video showing what I am dealing with. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Edited to make link clickable
  • Chris, I just went though something similar with my Leisure Travel. I thought for sure it was the window as well. Eventually I determined that it was where the water heater mates up to the body of the RV (on the inside seal)just UNDER that same window. In hindsight, I could have (or should have) done a better job of ruling out specific areas.

    Case in point; you can take a section of plastic (even a larger garbage bag) and completely seal off the exterior of that window with duct tape and the plastic. Then turn your hose loose on the RV. If it leaks no more, then it's the window - continue to work on it. Otherwise, time to move on to the next section to completely seal off, perhaps the mounts for the rack.

    Good luck!
  • tylerdurdeno9 wrote:
    Hey all, thanks for checking out my post. I can not for the life of me get this rear leak figured out. I have taken out the window, added new sealant and even taped off a few seams ands till some leaking. Below I have attached a video showing what I am dealing with. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    Well, first and foremost, clean all that gooky stuff (<----fancy technical term) off and clean everything up as clean as possible. Then, head over to the auto parts store and get some "flowable windshield clear silicone". Do NOT get regular clear but you want the word "flowable" or "wicking" on the package. This will slurp into all the tiny cracks and crevices. I've chased leaky windshields through the years and this will usually do the trick. I suspect though, the water is running down the inside near the wondow and just showing up at the window. Those bolts in the roof look to be a prime culprit. On those, I'd get some of the regular clear silicone, remove each bolt and smear the silicone around the hole and onto the bolt. This will stop water from seeping around the bolt. The heavier regular silicone will stay in place until it cures. The flowable will run. That's why it gets into seal leaks, but it will roll off the bolts.
  • We had a leak "fixed" professionally, only to find that it came back. It turned out to be the roof vent/fan seal at the roof. The leaking water appeared at the top of the windscreen and dripped onto the dash.
    From what little I could see in the video, I would suggest you check out or reseal any holes in the roof for the roof racks, roof fan vent, even running lights. Water is unpredictable.
  • Have one person inside watching for water. Then turn a garden hose on slow and starting at the bottom, run the water side to side and gradually higher up. Work slowly and when the inside person yells, you found the leak. I have done this many times on cars, pickups and trailers and have always found the leak. In 1963 I worked for a Ford dealer and had to find a leak. It only appeared after driving in a rain storm, never when standing still. I pulled back the carpet on the passenger side and found the problem. My bosses wife was rather hefty and would get in and raise her ample backside off the seat to pull her skirt down under her. She was punching holes in the floor with her spike heels. The right front tire spun the water up from the bottom.
  • Find a dealer that will do a pressure leak test. They pressurize the RV then spray detergent which will bubble and show leaks. It may not be leaking at the window.
    Somewhere else and the water shows up at the window.