charlie good time wrote:
I have always respected Caterpillar an Cummins Diesel engines but since we lost a rv totally to fire we are looking for a replacement .Some are powered by the above mentioned Cat engine an reading different Fotums an various other places i get feeling this is not a good engine an some will even say avoid it.Anyone have personal experiences? I am talking about 1998-----2003 year production engines.
Anyone who even hints that you "run away" from any version of a CAT is clueless. In the zillions of diesel powered RVs out there, especially in the year/era you're speaking of, there's many, many CAT powered ones. And, that includes the different versions of the 3126 and the C-7, C-9, C-13 and others. CAT simply dropped out of the "Over the Road" engines a while back due to the fact that, it didn't want to hassle with the emissions part of it.
There's more to that story than that but, that's the basics. The 3126, just about any version of it, is a great engine. It, just like the C-7, was not only used in the motor home industry but, in a few zillion over the road trucks too. The C-7 has followed in its foot steps only with better refinements. The "HEUI" pump (main fuel injection pump) was used on the later 3126 versions but, was refined for better and higher pressure out put on the C-7 versions.
There's some great reading on the refinements of the C-7 units out there. The C-7 was also used in fire trucks across the nation and has worked outstanding in that application. Now, there are instances of failed HEUI pumps, here and there. But, as I've explained to many, many folks, when you take in to account the massive amount of those engines produced and, the amount that has had any issues, the ratio is seriously small.
Not to mention, Cummins has had its share of issues too, with various versions. Wrist pins come into mind. Cracked blocks also seem to be in the back ground on some. Again, of the few zillion of them produced, how many had those issues?
I've got one friend in particular, who's tipping the scales at 126,000 miles on his '01 Winnebago Journey DL, with the 3126, without any engine issues other than one exhaust gasket issue. Our coach, an '04 Itasca Horizon, 36GD with the C-7 330HP version, presently has right at 60,000 on the clock and, purrs like a kitten, for a CAT that is. We hover in the 7-8 mpg range. And that's towing 6,500 lbs. of '11 GMC Sierra Extended Cab 4x4, carrying an '08 Honda GL 1800 Goldwing, on top of a Rampage lift.
Our engine, is the first version of the C-7 and, does have certain ACERT properties. So far, in the four years of ownership of this coach, and that engine, I can only talk GOOD about it. I've been in there and replaced belts and other maintenance items, nothing that you wouldn't replace or maintenance on any other diesel too.
So, if you find a coach and, you like the floor plan and all else, but it has a CAT engine, 3126 (any version), C-7, C-9 or the larger CATs, you'll have no issues. Good luck in your search.