Forum Discussion

Kidoo's avatar
Aug 28, 2016

CB Radio antenna mounting

Hi, I am looking for information about mounting a CB antenna on a class A. I do not plan to use this set up for very long, just for a trip with a bunch of others with CBs.

I read it needs a good ground to perform well. The problem is to ground the antenna on the fiberglass frame. I have an aluminum roof so a magnet is out of the question.

I saw a Firefly fiberglass antenna but it also need a ground.

Can I run a wire grounded to the frame from below the RV instead of screwing in the fiber? Really do not want holes in the fiber.

I also read it needs to stick out on top of the MH by half it's lenght otherwise it will not perform well, an that a 4 feet antenna is the minimum lenght.

I do have an old two part antenna with a magnet but I don't think I can fit it without the magnet.

Thanks, please share your experince.
  • I "assume" you are talking about talking over short distances? if so, a cobra walky talky type of CB will work just fine. I have an adapter so that I can hook it to a standard cb aerial instead of the rubber ducky. set the antenna on the Motorhomes dash.

    click on No ground plane and you get three mounts. No you can not run a ground a get much from it. Click on 3 way mount. DO NOT CUT the cable that comes with it. The cable is the ground plane and is tuned for the antenna. You also need to do a SWR adjustment on the antenna build in knob.

    There are short antennas about 18 inch that plug into the back of the CB, but only good for a short distance.