A cell phone is not going to tell you about that accident 3 miles ahead on the interstate and alert you to take an alternative route or sit in traffic for a couple of hours. I find the CB still very useful. Maybe that is because I actually use it and not just leave it turned off. Trucker jargon is not nearly as bad as it once was and usually just conversation with the occasional "bad mouth" that most of the other truckers seem to ignore as well nowadays.
I installed on several months ago. The wife asked why?
Lots of areas we have been in have NO cell coverage.
Last month we spent 3 weeks traveling out of state. When we were 35 miles north of Montgomery Al on I85 all traffic stopped. The interstate was closed for more than 48 hours due to a semi that crashed and burned.
Thanks to the CB we were kept informed and after a 3+ hour detour on back country roads everyone was rolling again.
The CB also was used to inform everyone of a road hazard on the detour.
If you do not like the chatter, you have a squelch and most likely RF gain you can cut out distant transmissions.
When I got my current motorhome it came with CB wiring in place. Since I had a radio from a previous installation, I wired it in. Use it about 5% of the time in our travels and then only for entertainment, listening to "good old boy" trucker chatter. If I had to buy a radio, don't think I'd have one.
Have one in the truck with the weather band. Keep it on with the volume off most of the time so we can get weather alerts - which do come in handy. The weather alert will turn on a red light and sound a tone even with the volume off.
Occasionally we will listen on channel 19 for traffic alerts or in bad weather. Comes in handy for picking up info about alternate routes when an interstate is shut down due to an accident.
They can be very useful especially if you have the weather channel equipped CB radio. Most every trucker has one, but now a days you don't hear them talking on them as much as back in the 70's & 80's. Cell phones seem to be their main mode of conversation now.
I ran base station and mobile CB in the 70's, It's not worth the hassle or expense these days unless your speeding and want to know where the traps are.