Forum Discussion

Silverback___Cu's avatar
Aug 03, 2016

Ceiling light covers

I have a few broken floresent light covers - Where can I look to replace them. They are 18 x 6 x 1. They are mounted on my ceiling for a Class A 2004 Holiday Rambler
  • crasster wrote:
    I always replace custom RV stuff with stuff from Home Depot. Every time you go custom it will be $$$$ Now the place may be reasonable for replacement, but if you smell a ripoff for plastic covers, I'd go HD or Lowes.

    Not much in 12 volt lighting at Lowes or other big box stores. When I look to replace things in an RV, I look at marine equivalents, usually much better quality. The Thin-lite fixtures are good lights, especially so if the fluorescent tubes are replaced with LED tubes or strips.
  • I always replace custom RV stuff with stuff from Home Depot. Every time you go custom it will be $$$$ Now the place may be reasonable for replacement, but if you smell a ripoff for plastic covers, I'd go HD or Lowes.
  • It may be cheaper to just replace the fixtures. Last i looked they were less than $10. Change them for LED fixtures in the same form factor and they will cost more, but you can forget about servicing them and your batteries will love you.
  • Your lights should be made by ThinLite. I would give them a call and see if they have lenses available for your model.
