The deed is done. Much ado about nothing on my part! I first tried to open up the hatch in the closet. Too much work and I don't think it helps much. Once I put a 500 watt Halogen underneath to use instead of a puny trouble light( old eyes) I could see that it is not that hard. The old filter came off easily. I had a super clean 4 litre oil jug and went to the local Pemex ( we are in Mexico) Brought a new funnel to take the large pump nozzle and solvent and clean rags to wipe the nozzle. Brought 3 liters home. The Secondary is way up there but other than a few lines it is easy to get a filter wrench on the filter body. The Primary filter is mounted to a frame rail and in the open. I did discover that the PO was using the wrong primary filter. It is supposed to e 30 microns but was not. The filter was way too small. I had the correct part. I also discovered that someone had extended the puke tube and recalibrated the dipstick. Before I bought this unit I did shine a powerful light through the rads and it seemed fine but tomorrow I will do more investigating. When we brought it home the first time it was over 80 degrees and we were towing my 6400 lb. PU with no overheating. Engine oil was fairly clean and only had about 4000 miles but I changed the oil and filter as well. We are good to go. Thanks everyone.