I just resealed the vent on my pleasure way lexor ( not a wide body)- I was easily able to reach the vent from a ladder.
I could probably spread my weight out on the roof, but I don;t want to chance it.
a step ladder is a little wacky, trying to lean across makes it unstable and dangerous
an extension ladder with foam lining the rails ( cut up a pool-noodle or get pipe insulation at home depot) against the side of the van is pretty stable...one each side will speed your work.
for my vent the lid is attached with a hinge and 4 phillips head screws accessed from the exterior- you may have silicone or other sealant gooped over the screws-
almost all the fasteners on my van are robertson head R2 and R1 size.
for my job, the entire vent was removed, and I looked at my lid, lubed the mechanisms - all well so I just resealed and put it back on