Blaster Man wrote:
We've had both Spartan and Freightliner. They both work fine, get the floor plan you like and don't worry about the chassis.
In the OPs case, Newmar now offers your choice of chassis on whatever floor plan you choose, with no difference in price for chassis choice.
IMO the 2 have closed the gap enough there really isn't much difference between them. I was recently talking to member LarryCad, who rides on a Spartan, about chassis. He had recently studied the 2 chassis and it was his opinion Frieghtliner had moved to the top.
As mentioned, we've owned both, both had/have given us excellent service. Our Freightliner needed nothing other than routine maintenance, our Spartan has had one small repair. With the lack of Spartan service centers we had to pay the bill upfront and Spartan reimbursed us. It was painless but a step we would not have needed to do with Freightliner.