Just returned from a 4 day trip up to the Rainbow campground {9,230'} at Big Lake in the White Mountains and discovered another reason that we love our C.... The Monsoon is ripping through Arizona with the mountains getting spectacular thunderstorms on an almost daily basis, this was just another reason we love going up.
Around three every day the clouds would stack up, darken and shortly thereafter the lightning and torrential rains would begin. To pass the time until they subsided, usually around sunset, we would make three O'clock our happy hour.
While our cab seats do not swivel we discovered they make a very nice cocktail lounge. The cabover keeps the rain off of the windshield and side windows for an unobstructed view, the seats recline nicely and our Bluetooth speaker provides the tunes straight from the i - phone.
Here is a shot from our new favorite lounge:
