Forum Discussion

rickpiet's avatar
Oct 30, 2013

Class A loading conveyor

Anyone come up with a simple conveyor system to aid in loading and unloading a Class A coach?

We're about to pick up our new Class A coach and are curious to know if anyone has come up with a way of transporting totes of food, clothing, pots-pans, etc. into the coach without having to wrestle with them in the entry door and fall over the passenger seat. (Ok. So, I am getting old and out of shape and that coach looks awful tall.)

Anyone know of a vendor that addresses this topic?

  • One inside and one outside...Outside person puts them inside the door, inside person puts them climbing in and out....Dennis
  • Considering you should only need it once (or once every several year) I don't think there would be much of a market for it. If you're going to do the unloading and reloading at your house, then call one of the local moving companies (or look on Craigs List) and ask them to send over a couple of swampers for 2 - 3 hours. That would be a lot cheaper than actually buying something.

  • Ivylog's avatar
    Explorer III
    Hire an undocumented worker to bring it in the door. You are in TX so should not be a problem.