Forum Discussion

cnc0918's avatar
May 08, 2018

Class A vandalized on roof

Our RV is parked on our property & someone went up on the roof & threw a cement block into the roof at some point this Winter. It is a 34' Class A with a rubber roof. During that time, the roof had major leakage which we only discovered last week. The TV over the dash is barely hanging on in the cabinet, every electronic thing we have is right where the leak started. We drained about 3 gallons of water out, there's mildew on the ceiling, the water dripped down into the dash, & we have no idea what that could've done to the automatic levelers, or anything else in the dash.

My question is, do any of you know how much it costs to replace the rubber roof, the entire headliner, probably most of the wood, all the cabinets in the front of the coach, all the electronics we lost, the tv, & the dashboard as well. The water leaked down to the carpet & into the linoleum flooring by the entrance to the coach. Needless to say, it is a royal mess!

Thanks in advance for any comments you can give me.
  • I agree with azrving. Why would anyone haul a cement block up the ladder, if your RV has one, just to throw it down on the roof. There are plenty of windows, doors, and numerous other ways to damage a RV without trying to haul a block to the roof. I suppose it is possible that a large strong individual could throw one from the ground although I know I couldn't get one half way up.
  • I wonder what REALLY happened.
    It's totaled.
    Did you call your insurance agent?
    No insurance? Call the junk yard,You'll have to pay them to take it.
  • The roof could surely be $5k alone. Why in the heck would someone go to the point of hauling a cement block up there to damage it? You have some crazy crackheads around there or you really ticked someone off. Not saying you did anything wrong to tick someone off. Now days they could just be jealous of what you have. Sorry to hear that and hopefully the insurance treats you fair.
  • Police report and insurance claim. See what happens. Roof is not the only problem I see... all the water damage and mold may be far worse than the roof.
  • Just from the description you provided, I bet your damages are between $10,000 and $15,000!
  • I'm thinking MORE aggressive than gbopp. With that level of damage and mold I'd want a new RV.
  • Contact your insurance company. Depending on the year of your Class A, it may be a total loss. Water can do a lot of damage.
  • I'm sure it would cost way more that whatever deductible you may carry on your insurance. I would file a claim.