Licreek wrote:
Wow ypu guys have really given me a lot of insite into making my decision on 5er or MH. I just finished reading the blog of asked questions for class A buyers and I think I might be overwhelmed by the repair and maintenance costs of a class A. We will be RVing on my wife and my social security incomes only, so I think my MAIN decision will need to be COST of living in a 5er vs class A. Am I correct in my reading that there is no question that it is less expensive to repair and maintain a 5er and tow vehicle over a class A?? Is it possible to buy a good dependable class A pusher that's 10 years old and wont completely drain my SMALL emergency savings in a couple years on the road?
Possible? Sure. But at 10 years old lots of stuff is going to start failing. Not just the drive train. Stuff like refer, water heater, furnace. A newer fifth wheel will have the same appliances, so you can figure a few trouble free years out or a decent fiver. Heck 800 dollars for new tires under a fiver will likely get you two MH tires. Again, where will you live while the MH is in the shop for some semi major repairs? A fiver, if you bought a decent used one, and had the entire suspension and axles redone with something like a MorRide and disc brakes would set you back maybe 5 grand, but will last as long as you travel. Truck? A 70K brand new dually will go 150K miles easily before you should have to spend much of anything in repairs. A new diesel is maybe 15K a rebuilt transmission maybe 5K. An auto for a DP will likely be north of 10K motor work? 20K easily.
This is not a light decision, and cost does need to play into it. But livability, comfort, and what you want also play a big part of the deal. Remember, what ever you wind up with is a huge depreciating asset. And as such will be worth far less 5 minues after you drive off the lot thst what you pay for it. RVs like boats and airplanes can be a money pit. And unless you have the resources to support your intended lifestyle rethink it.