Forum Discussion

suprz's avatar
Jun 10, 2017

Class c front cap

I dont know what it is made out of. (2006 Jayco Greyhawk 31SS). But it is dull and i have tried waxing it, also used Meguiars Ultmate compound on it, still dull.. Smooth, but dull. I would like to really bring it back to new looking, not sure what to use though. (Even though after a hundred miles, it will be splattered with bugs. ). :M
  • Most local canvas makers can make you a bra to snap onto your cap. I had a friend do it to a front camp on a Lance Truck camper. Looked good, easily removed and cleaned. Seems like that would extend the life of caps. But your right, why hasn't somebody designed one. Probably too many different versions.
  • Well, I got some Maguires heavy oxidation remover, Maguires Ultimate compound, and Turtle wax, and using a DRY sponge, first applied the oxidation remover in a back and forth motion got rid of the heavy stuff, then I washed it with water let it dry, then with the ultimate compound, did the same thing, then finally used the turtle wax. It is smooth as glass and has a "sheen". But not as shiny as the other side. But at least it looks more uniform than before. I wonder why no one has made a bra for the front cap for a Class C? Or as I call it the bug catcher!
  • I have noticed on ours, the side that got the most sun from the previous owner lost the most shine. I'm just started considering getting to the wax challenge, but have not started yet.
  • If that's the case, you may have to have the cap repainted to get the shine you want.
  • I think that when they repaired or just repainted / re-gelcoated the cap, they used a different color and a satin finish instead of a gloss finish. Cause I have waxed, compounded it, etc. And it gets smooth, but never as shiny as the other side
  • Well, I think I found why one side is dull and one side looks like new. If I follow the lines on the side that looks new, it looks like I can see a tape line! It looks like there was some kind of repair that was done and it was re-coated with gelcoat, or repainted? Strange....
  • Consider the Zep/Red Max Pro Process. You need to clean off all the oxidation before you can get it to shine.
    It did a nice job on our 96 Southwind.

    If you don't like the idea of floor wax on your RV, after cleaning use the wax of your choice.
    Preparation is the important part of the process.