Forum Discussion

cbald51's avatar
Aug 12, 2018

Class c mileage

We are considering going from a 37 foot class A to a 22-24 foot class C. We want to be able to get into areas that our current rig can not get into and possibly use to make trips to the store. We would be in it about 4-6 months out of the year. We lived in our A for about 2 years and really like it. Any ideas on what would be good for a retired couple with 3 small dogs? I have read that mpg will be about the same as our A is that true? Thanks in advance for any information.

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  • Most class C's built on the Ford E-series chassis or the equivalent Chevy chassis will get around 8 +/- 1 mpg, from what I've seen here, with the Chevy ones perhaps being a tiny bit ahead. One based on a diesel Sprinter platform will get somewhat better mileage generally (partly because of being a diesel, partly because they're usually smaller units).

    The old Toyota pickup based class C's also get relatively good mileage, but are quite underpowered on the highway and have very little payload capacity...and, of course, are no longer new by any stretch of the imagination.
  • I get 7-8 mpg in A's and C's but then I 'm usually on a tight schedule and pushing it.