surgtech56 wrote:
Thank you everyone. I’ll check the insurance rates. I have another question, when buying used, how old do you suggest buying or not buying? What do you look for lower mileage and older or higher mileage and newer? We will likely spend $45K tops. hank you
Insurance in Michigan may have changed a lot since I lived there, but back then rates were highly dependent on where you lived, where the vehicle was parked, your age, marital status, driving record, etc. And back then it was a so called "no fault" insurance state, so you basically had to pay for all the idiots who didn't carry insurance, didn't care how they drove or what they hit, etc, etc.
But on topic, I now own a Class C having moved up from Class B's. More room inside, but a bit harder to find parking spots. The smaller Class B's I owned were a bit easier to drive and maneuver and if I were to replace my current Class C I'd look hard at what was available in Class B's again.