way2roll wrote:
Apologies in advance if these questions have come up before. We're possibly looking to downsize from our FW to a Class C on a sprinter chassis. Something in the 24' range. While I am fully aware each Rv is different and you have to do the math; Is towing a car ever a problem on these chassis'? We have a CRV set up to tow since we had our Class A years ago. Is maintenance and finding dealers to work on the Sprinter a challenge - especially while travelling? How's the ride, road manners and mileage on these?
We plan on test driving a few this weekend at a local dealer.
Sprinters are a pia from the wacky "driver assistance", lack of range on standard tank(24.5gal), and the lack of dealers for service. We have a Winnie Revel based on a sprinter. It has 2 alternators, one squeals on startup, and CW and Benz are reluctant to even look at it. Getting the run around from dealerships and it's 200 miles each way for service. And it's still under warranty from both. SMH There is a Ford dealer 13 miles away.
The folks we bought the van from owned 2 Revels and they were both sold and replaced by the Winnne ECCO based on a Ford transit. It's a great rig in the 24' range, but didn't meet our needs due to size. I highly recommend putting the ECCO on the list to look at.
The ride is fine, and they are a pleasure to drive, other than having to reset the "driver assistance" every time the engine is turned off. My wife was able drive it in NV w some serious cross winds(50-60mph) and through a snowstorm on another leg through NV and I'm still here to type about it. LOL Gas mileage is anywhere from 12-16mpg depending on the usual factors.
I would suspect it would have no problem w the CRV although I would do the weighing and math first just so you know exactly where you stand.