Lots of good reading here for you. We have traveled for years and live out west. Here there are lots of smaller camp sites. So smaller and no slides will get you in most places.
In our years of travel we ate out a lot, at one point every meal for 2 1/2 years. We like the food we cook better so a kitchen large enough to do the job is a must.
After setting at a dinette for a while you will find they really are not nice to set at. But with a lot of extra foam they do make nice beds. A comfortable couch was a must for us. We also use the drivers seat and passengers as recliners for reading and naping. We do pull into lots of motorhome sites (Pull in forward not back in.)that have the view out the front unlike the trailer sites.
Be sure when looking at a rig you like, to set in the drivers and passengers seat with the slides in for some time if you choose slides. You need to be sure you can adjust the seat and recline them some for naps. We have seen them where you have to put the seat all the way forward and lean forward. One I could not even get between the steering wheel and seat. I am not fat.
The over head bunk makes a nice place for younger guest but really is not nice for every night. They do make a nice storage area. Do not forget you are camping so every thing does not really need to be like home.
We do not tow as our small rig gets us near most every place we want to go and then we walk some. Walking does us good.
We do not make reservations so if we find a place we like we just stay on and do not have to be some place else. When we get in our rig we drive to the freeway and decide left or right. So no plans. We have been turned away once in the last 10 years.
Hope you find what suits you. Remember its a tool to do a job with. Just because some one elst loves it does not mean it right for you to use.
Good Luck.