Hi, we also have a 31' Class c with weight problems. We only carry about 5 gallons of fresh water, just enough for the toilet when traveling. We leave most liquids at home, very little food in the refrigerator or freezer. We purchase all our food and drinks when we get where we are going, and then just enough for our stay. We lightened every thing we could in the storage bins. We went to a smaller grill, lighter chairs and carry fewer tools in a lighter tool box. Everything left that weighed much got moved forward as much possible. Now we are just under max gross when fully loaded for travel. Also, if you are coming towards Phoenix you can get a 4 corner weight at the Escapees park in Congress for about $45.00, you schedule with the weigh master via the
escapees web site. We carry 80 psi in all tires due to the weight including our spare! We don't have a towed.