Mocoondo wrote:
Some food for thought regarding upper bunk cabinetry/entertainment centers:
As we all know, the upper bunk area on Class C's is prone to water leaks. It's not a question of "if" but rather, a question of "when".
With a conventional bunk/mattress arrangement, water leaks are easier to identify and ultimately correct.
With cabinetry in place of the bunk, water leaks are often masked for a very long time and corrective repairs cost a lot more when the leak has been left go for a long time.
There are numerous ways to enjoy the functionality of an entertainment center in/near the upper bunk that it doesn't make too much sense to forfeit the upper bunk altogether in favor of some cabinetry and a TV.
If a TV is desired in this location, consider mounting a TV on a wall mount swing-arm that can be stowed out of the way when not in use. I've also recently seen some very neat TV mounting options which can be attached to the ceiling allowing the TV to pivot up to the ceiling when not in use.
Just my 2c....
Makes absolute sense to me, as with two of us, we have absolutely NO need for an overhead bunk.