So I found out my batteries are NAPA 8240. 24DCM: you were right 2112, they're not real deep-cycle batteries. The label says "Marine/RV Dual Purpose". NAPA also doesn't state the Ah rating, which I've learned, is typical for non-deep-cycle batteries. But to estimate the Ah rating, some say divide the reserve capacity by 2. That gives me an Ah of just 70.
Been looking for a user manual for these batteries, but can't find any. The one in my Winnebago manual also doesn't say anything about checking the SG. So I'm not sure if I'm able to! There seems to be two lids on top of the batteries, but prying them off was harder than what seems normal, so I'm worried I'll break something if I try harder...
Also started looking into bigger batteries. I would have to make some modifications to the tray where the batteries sit, as this was clearly made for exactly group 24 batteries. As for a more powerful battery in the same size; Seems they all have about the same amount of power, 140 A reserve capacity.
Did anyone reading this increase the battery capacity in their RV? How did you do it?