It is very similar to tow trucks on the NYS Thruway (Interstate 90), considered a private road by the state, where the tow operators need to be permitted to enter it. Neither CoachNet or the other ERS companies will send you a tow, because of the permit deal. In your case, the tow operators that CoachNet contacted did not want to take a chance that you had actually obtained him clearance, and probably had experiences on the base before, therefore passed on the call. Can't say I blame him. I had the other ERS outfit and they contractor sent me a just released state prisoner when I broke down in Alabama. We were in a rest area and the Highway Patrol checked to make sure we were not running a prostitution ring because of the guy they had sent. Second time they stranded me for a whole weekend in Columbus, Oh. I ended up doing my own repair to get going. If I were you I would just submit the bill for consideration. Am sure they will pay it, cause you did your part. Be careful what you wish for, you might get it and then not like it!