Forum Discussion

Biggyniner's avatar
Mar 05, 2018

Considering a Diesel Pusher - Floorplan Question

Hi all,

My family is considering making a move to a Diesel Pusher. I have noticed in the short amount of time I have searched,for obvious reasons, diesel pushers seem to be more oriented to a 2 person setup. This can be seen in the form of a 2 person dining table instead of a dinette, crummy secondary sleeping options, etc.

Being that I am in my Mid 30s, with a 3.5 year old and another kiddo on the way, plus I like to do "dude" trips with some of my buddies. Sleeping arrangements are important to me.

Ideally I would like something around 35' (shorter the better but I realize in diesel pusher land this is kind of an oxymoron), with a sofa, dinette sleeper and bunk-beds if possible. I have seen many class A bunkhouses but they seem to all be gassers.

Anyone know of any models of diesel pushers that satisfy most of my above criteria? Thanks for the recommendations...
  • What advantage are you hoping to gain by going to a DP? They are not necessarily better than any other RV and in some cases they really are no advantage at all. Better fuel mileage when diesel costs 0.60/gallon more is not really an advantage!
  • I looked at a few bunk house models at an rv show recently. Bunks seem to accomadate up to around 5'10" max. Dual couch models with fold out beds seem to be somewhat common. Also saw a few Tiffin models with a full size drip down bed over the cockpit. Believe those were gassers though
  • MrWizard wrote:
    bunk beds and dude trips

    maybe start looking at 'band buses' they have bunk beds for adults

    Well primarily it will be for the family...
  • bunk beds and dude trips

    maybe start looking at 'band buses' they have bunk beds for adults
  • Yes, bunkhouse models are based on kids in the bunks, so the "dude trips" would be a problem. Dude trips do lend themselves to tents though.