Forum Discussion

jpzeroday's avatar
Nov 17, 2014

Cool Double or Triple...An AC Question

RV dot Netters,

I am currently considering the purchase a Dutch Star coach. Read much about them and it seems that the quality reputation is high...

Key question:

Setup: I live here in the hottest part of the Southwest (Las Vegas) and we travel in the surrounding deserts often. Its not uncommon to see day time highs in the 110-112f range during the peak heat of July.

I am considering a Dutch Star 4018 with 2x 15K ACs. It looks like the Dutch Stars have good roof insulation...Will this keep up with the heat? Will we be comfortable mid-July in the Desert?

  • What size generator are you planning? 7.5 KW might be enough, perhaps go with a 10 KW? Of course 50 amp power cord is required with more than 1 15K air conditioner. You might also consider a 13,500 A/C. It might be small enough that you can run the 13,500 while also running one of the 15K units, all on a 30 amp RV plug in a state campground or other less than adequate hookup place.

    Good luck,

  • I have the coach you're asking about. It will be borderline okay if the coach is parked and the air is started at 8:00 am and everything is kept closed. If it's a driving day and you want to cool off after stopping, the two 15K units won't do the job.

    Last July, we drove through Vegas and stopped in St George for the evening. We had the A/C running while driving. Once we stopped, we could not get the coach to cool down any lower than 80 degrees.

    If I was ordering a new Dutch Star and live/travel where you need 3 A/C units.
  • 2 a/c's will work ok but a extra fan to circulate the air will be needed, also putting some foil on south facing windows will also be needed even if you have 3 a/c's, running the generator with 3 a/c's will eat some fuel.
  • sd1209 wrote:
    I have the MH in my sig.....It is the 4018.....I have 2 15K's.......I had it in 105-108 degree heat this summer and the 2 15k's were fine.....Just get them on in the morning and try not to play catch-up and they should be fine...

    That said, I agree if you are ordering new I would go with 3 a/c if you get into 115 degree heat routinely.....Agree with previous post, best to have too much than too little.....But 105 degrees and 2 15k's were fine for us.....


    Flipping the seasons around--you had your 4018 up to the snow? How does it do in the cold? Is your coach all electric?

  • We had a Pace Arrow with 2 ACs. It was still unbearable with the outside being 115. 3 15Ks is probably the answer for you.
  • I have the MH in my sig.....It is the 4018.....I have 2 15K's.......I had it in 105-108 degree heat this summer and the 2 15k's were fine.....Just get them on in the morning and try not to play catch-up and they should be fine...

    That said, I agree if you are ordering new I would go with 3 a/c if you get into 115 degree heat routinely.....Agree with previous post, best to have too much than too little.....But 105 degrees and 2 15k's were fine for us.....
  • 2 ac's will barely keep you comfortable on real hot days. If you plan to be in las Vegas in the summer, make sure you go for 3 ac's. It is better to have an excess of btus rather than not enough. There are plenty of posts of people trying all sorts of mods to add an extra ac especially in the summer.