Last month I was inspecting under the power systems of our coach and found several of the radiator hoses expanded and very soft, looking like they needed replacing. The antifreeze was green short life stuff which kind of surprised me as my big trucks have had red extended life in them starting many years ago. I drained the radiator, engine block, transmission cooler and removed the heater hoses up at the heater core and drained them. I collected all of it into buckets so it could be an indicator as to how much was removed. After replacing all the suspect hoses I flushed the entire system in the same manner 4 times. As the removed antifreeze was just under 9 gallons I purchased 5 gal. of concentrate red extended life antifreeze and put it into the expansion tank, I went up to the front and removed the hoses to the heater core again until they both flowed red. I connected one hose and added two gallons (measured in the gallon jugs) so that the heater core was filled with antifreeze and reconnected the hose. Put 2.5 more gallons of water in and it was full.
I ran the engine at 1500 rpm to get the temp high enough to open the thermostat and circulate the mixture through and to mix it. After this I tested and the mix is good to -38. I also bought a gallon of premix to add later if needed.
This took me a day and half to get done but my peace of mind is worth it.